Growing strawberries for the first time!*


Hello! Novice gardener and newbie strawberry grower here! I purchased some everbearing strawberry plants which came 25 plants packed into a burlap sack. I live in London, Ontario, and, as there is still snow on the ground, I am unable to plant them right now. I will be planting them in a full sun garden and will be testing the pH of the soil and adding manure and peat moss. My question is this: what do I do with the strawberry plants until it is time for planting? Should I remove them from the burlap sack, separate the plants, and transplant then indoors? Should I leave them bagged in the burlap? Help! Any advice you can offer would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!


This quirky snowfall certainly is trying the patience of all gardeners!  Our Toronto Master Gardener pages have an excellent section on growing strawberries from home from OMAFRA.   I have included the link below and also the specific section on storage until they are in your garden.

Storing Plants

Get plants as close to planting time as possible. Plants are usually sold in plastic bags without soil. If plants must be stored for short periods, keep closed packages in the refrigerator until planting time. The roots may look dry, but it is usually best not to water them during storage because water can cause rotting.

Happy Gardening