Hyacinth Vines + Seed Collection*


I planted some hyacinth vines in my garden this year and they are now producing seed pods. Do I pick those pods now and dry them indoors or wait until they wither on the vine ?


Thank you for writing concerning your hyacinth vine, sometimes called a hyacinth bean vine — a prior query from another gardener has been answered with this very simple, but succinct advice, and so copying here:

Saving seeds from vegetables such as beans is an economical way to provide vegetables from year to year. Once the bean pods have dried (the seeds will rattle inside the pod), either leave the beans in the pod or shell them; simply place the dried seeds into a paper envelope(s) [remember to label with name/variety of seeds] and put the envelope(s) into a sealed glass jar. It’s important to keep the seeds in a cool, dry place at a temperature between 0′ and 10’C.; a refrigerator can be an ideal place to store the seeds. To ensure that the seeds remain dry, put a small amount of silica-gel desiccant into the jar with the seeds; one can also use 1 -2 T. of powdered milk wrapped in a small piece of cheesecloth or a facial tissue as a desiccant.

The seeds can then be planted next spring once all danger of frost is passed.

Thank you for contacting the Toronto Master Gardeners.