July: Propagate Shrubs with Cuttings

Take softwood cuttings of shrubs such as buddleia, weigela, rose-of-sharon and roses. Place them in pots of moist sand or potting soil, then cover them with a plastic bag, glass jar or large plastic pop bottle, creating a mini-greenhouse. When…

July: Groom Tomato Plants

Continue to pinch out, or cut off, side shoots from tall growing (indeterminate) tomatoes. It’s not necessary to remove them from bush type tomatoes.…

July: Flopping Perennials

Some late spring/early summer perennials such as golden marguerite, some shasta daisies and artemisia ‘flop open’ or lay down.  Cut them down to the crown when the bloom period is over.  If this action is done early enough in the…

July: Pinch Back Herbs

Periodically pinch basil if you don’t harvest it weekly. Pinching keeps it from flowering and ensure you have a full, bushy-looking plant. Mint, oregano, and savory can also be pinched to promote bushier growth.  …

July: Keep Up with Weeding

Pull weeds as they grow and use mulch in your flower beds to prevent them from sprouting. If you can’t pull them all, at least cut off their tops to prevent them from seeding; this will mean fewer weeds next…

June: Bearded Iris

As your bearded iris finish blooming, remove the flower stalk close to the foliage.  Don’t cut the foliage into a fan shape.  The foliage is needed for the photosynthesis process to build up strength for next year’s blooms.  Remove the…

June: Daily Check-up

Stroll through your garden daily checking plants for disease and undesirable pests – problems can be minimized when discovered and dealt with early.…

June: Make the Most of Your Vegetable Garden

For maximum productivity, employ successive sowing. Early season lettuce, mixed greens, spinach, turnips, beets and radishes can be sown every 2-3 weeks for a constant supply. As the weather warms up, replace the early crops with others. For example, once…

June: Stake Floppy Perennials

Delphiniums, lilies and even big flowering peonies, have a tendency to flop over and require support. It’s best to provide it as early as possible, before the plant becomes too big. Simple bamboo or plastic-coated metal stakes and grids are…

June: Bulb Foliage

Spring blooming bulb foliage should never be cut off.  Allow the foliage to wither and die back naturally.  The foliage is necessary to build up the store of food in the bulb for next year’s blooms.  And please – do…