Poor Patchy Lawn Remedies

Scarborough lawn, south facing but with a mix of sun and shade is patchy and not looking good. I usually over seed, but seem to still face problems. What steps can I take to rehabilitate the lawn this spring? Kill…

Mock strawberry plant

1. I believe I have some mock strawberry on my lawn (see attached) and have spent hours pulling it up by the roots. I have applied a solution of diluted vinegar and am considering placing some cardboard over some areas.…

Canada Thistle

My garden is being taken over by Canada Thistle. I have pulled and sprayed and tried planting to crowd them out to no avail. What is the best way to get rid of them?…

Pesticides and targeting weeds

If use a pesticide to rid the bidweed/morning glory around my roses, will the roses, flox and peonies survive? I can’t remember having to use a pesticide, but I’ve fallen behind in cleaning up the garden. I could get help,…

Lady slipper identification?

I can only find pictures of lady slippers in bloom, or having just bloomed. Is this a young lady slipper (yellow or pink), or some other type of plant? Approximately 7 inches tall. I know they may take several years…

Preparing neglected “flower bed” for spring

I’m so glad I discover this group because you’re local experts! We bought a house recently with a yard that’s overgrown and not well cared for. I’d like to prepare the long strip of soil for planting a variety of…

Selling a Weed: A Question About Dandelions

Hello. Silly question perhaps, but I have dandelions growing in my yard: do you know of any stores (a grocery, an apothecary) that would buy them from me? Otherwise, I’ll just pluck them out and throw them away. (Note: we…

Grass attacking Creeping Thyme carpet

Hi I have a nice carpet of creeping thymes that i planted in my front yard a few years back and they just flourished and the flower carpet is beautiful in early summer. I noticed over the past few years…

Weed Identification – Common Liverwort

The weed thrives in shade and the crevices of a pathway. It thrives with moisture but is heat/drought tolerant and propagates vegetatively with a flat and dense matting effect as shown. Fine roots are 2 mm in length. Spread/growth  is…