Japanese Maple – Bleached Leaves

Hi again, I appreciate every time I have written in and I have received great advice. So, what brings me here today? I am attaching a photo of my ten year old J. Maple. I just noticed that, on two…

White oak leaves dying – leaves brown and curl

Hello, I live in Mississauga ON, with conditions of sun and shade, and clay in the soil. Our lovely, hugely tall tree that we inherited full grown 50 years ago, has been dropping leaves and twigs all summer long. The…

Tea Plant – Camellia Sinensis

I started a tea plant (Camellia sinensis) from seed during the late fall. The plant is in a partly shaded, sun dappled location. Over the last few months the new leaves have been getting lighter in colour. Thinking the problem…

Gardenia leaves/stems dying

We have a gardenia that was very healthy and blooming. It’s a cluster of some 4-5 stems, in a well draining soil (about a 12″ pot with lots of holes). It would have the occasional yellow leaf, but otherwise in…

Gerbera Daisies

I cannot for the life of me figure out why some of my Gerberas are dying while the others thrive. They are in a rectangular planter box beside our front stairs. They get full sun (south facing) and are well…

Vinca die-back

Many of my vinca ground-cover plants are dying back. These plants have been healthy for many years. Symptoms include: black stem, yellowing leaves that turn brown and fall off. I am hoping there is a way to reduce the spread.…

New Eastern White Cedar Hedge Root Rot?

Hello! In September 2020, I had a 50 foot long Eastern Cedar hedge planted by a professional company in my backyard. The hedge was planted in a 1ft x 1ft trench with soil/manure/fertilizer mix. The rest of the garden is…

Disease in an old Prunus shrub

I am asking about disease in an old shrub 8 ft tall, identified on Picture This and on I Naturalist as Prunus, or Plum Cherry. It had prolific white blooms on either side of and close to the stems this…

Leaf Spots on Houseplant Leaf

Hello, Some brown leaf spots have started to appear on the leaves of my houseplant. It is a syngonium growing near an east-facing window. Any idea what’s causing this and what I can do to stop the problem and treat…