Rose Stem Boring Insects

I live in Woodstock Ontario and I have been having trouble with boring insects doing significant damage to roses and lilacs as well as my other woody plants. I am now debating whether I should even prune my roses because…

Floribundas Rose

This rose tree was planted in our west (front) garden in late July 2018. The tree has flourished, growing from just under 4 feet to over 6 feet. It has had about a 100 flowers since planting. In late September…

Moving a Rose Bush

We live in the Queen St.E. and Kingston Road area and have a rose bush that needs moving. A new place has already been established. When is the best time to do this? This coming Fall or do we wait…

Climbing Roses

We have a very tall arbor. We’d like a pink, thornless, blooming all summer and vigorous climber rose.  Any recommendations?…

Rugosa Rose Hips*

I would like to grow and use rose hips. I have read that in southwestern Ontario Rugosa rose spread creating a nice hedge and provide hips their second year. Can you give me any information (websites for planting and care)…

Dying Band Rose

Hello, I live in Peru and bought a band rose last year (September) and put it in a medium plastic container. It was doing well but my gardener pruned it a month ago and it seems to be dying. It…


Hi. My very prolific explorer rose has suddenly developed some curled leaves and pink, fuzzy spots. A new ( to me) type of mildew? Please advise. Thank you.…

Container Roses

I am considering purchasing roses to plant in a container on my south-facing deck (I live in downtown Toronto). What is the best way to overwinter such roses so that they can come back next year? Also, how many years…