English Garden Designer


Hi, we just purchased a home with a very large backyard. We would like to develop a good portion of it into an english garden. Having difficuly finding a local(ish) design consultant who could help provide design thinking, as well as plant selection best for the are, the varying sun exposure and seasonal colour. Can you recommend any exceptional, brilliant people who do this? Thanks. B


Hi gardener, creating an English garden sounds quite lovely. However, the Toronto Master Gardeners specialize in answering technical questions, and not in giving recommendations. My suggestion is that you contact Landscape Ontario, and ask the same question of them and find someone through them who can help you: https://landscapeontario.com/

In the meanwhile, here are some recommended books to look through. Additionally, the Toronto Botanical Garden has a wonderful gardening library that members can access (but which is closed at the moment due to Covid-19):

The Essential Garden Design Workbook: Second Edition.   Rosemary Alexander

Understanding Garden Design: The Complete Handbook for Aspiring Designers. Vanessa Gardner Nagel APLD

The Thoughtful Gardener: An Intelligent Approach to Garden Design Hardcover.   Jinny Blom

The Beautiful Edible Garden: Design a Stylish Outdoor Space using Vegetables, Fruits and Herbs. Leslie Bennett, Stefani Bittner

Have a good time making your plans and making your new garden.