Fig tree


My fig tree is 30 years old trunk diameter is about 10 inches it is located in a greenhouse 10 feet by 20 feet the crown is very ample (about 20 cubic yards) produced 2 abundant crops of figs lately first crop is zero second is very limited in the past both crops produced thousand fruits why. Note a second tree in the same greenhouse 6 inches diameter produces satisfactory amount of figs


Thank you for contacting Toronto Master Gardeners about your fig tree fruit production issue.

You do not provide details on the fig variety, the growing conditions in the greenhouse, and whether the leaves and tree are normal and healthy. If the growing conditions in your greenhouse (light, heat, humidity) and tree care regime (water, fertilizer, repotting, pruning) have not changed, and the tree appears healthy, it is difficult to say why it is not producing fruit.

The Canadian Figs website identifies a number of reasons why a tree might not produce figs including:

  • Inadequate sunlight
  • Nutrient deficiencies
  • Too much nitrogen in the soil – encourages vegetative growth, not fruit
  • Stress from improper watering – over watering, under watering
  • Temperature extremes.

I suggest you carefully review your care regime for this tree to see if you can identify a variation in the regime of that might have impacted fruiting.

Also, a thorough review of the tree’s microenvironmental conditions over the past several months may identify changes to local conditions that could impact fruiting.

I hope this information helps you resolve your fig tree lack of fruiting.