Is this Clerodendrum (Bleeding Heart Vine)?



Located in the Eastern Ontario, I was given this plant (a pruned stem with two leaves) by a friend of mine in late spring. She didn’t know the name of the plant…

As advised, however, I soaked it in the water for weeks to let the roots come out. Then I transferred it to a pot. When I saw some flower buds I placed the plant at the patio where is bright (more son)

I enjoyed beautiful white flowers, then surprisingly different shaped red flowers came out inside the white flowers.

I’m trying to identify the plant..

Also I’d like to know how to care.

Thank you,


Thanks for reaching out to ask for help identifying the lovely plant given to you by your friend. Congratulations on helping it to root and bloom from a cutting. From my research, it does indeed look like a Bleeding-heart vine (scientific name Clerodendrum thomsoniae). This tropical plant is often grown as a houseplant or planted outside as an annual.

Here is a link from the Missouri Botanical Garden and another  from the Wisconsin Master Gardeners that will give you more information about how to care for your plant.

We typically accept questions about plants that grow in Toronto, but since our website was quiet today I was happy to help you. If you have any future questions you can always connect with the Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton.

Happy gardening!