After enjoying this English lavender, now I already see them changing in the color …
I’m wondering if I should prune now although I was planning to prune it late in summer.
*Located in the eastern Ontario
*I have checked this sight:
First, thank you for the reference. It is interesting to see that the Ontario government is encouraging the lavender industry.
I think it is your choice whether you prune now, or at the end of the summer. This previous Master Gardener posting suggests avoiding pruning at all if the plant is newly planted. pruning lavender If the plant’s appearance is distracting, give it a careful shearing but don’t cut into the old wood. Pruning now will keep the plant neater. It might send up new flowers sporadically during the rest of the summer. If you find that it is still attracting pollinators, lavender and pollinators, and has a certain charm, keep the drying-off blossoms around a while longer. I always enjoy running my hands over the shrub no matter what time of year. According to the article you sent, the plant should not be pruned after mid fall as pruning late increases the chance of winter kill. And you will give it a touch up again in early spring just before new leaves begin to pop open mostly to remove winter kill and a quick tidy-up.