Mini Pussy Willow


I bought this mini pussy willow plant in my sunroom and the pussy willows bloomed and now there is new growth.

Do I trim the new green growth?


Thank you for contacting the Toronto Master Gardeners concerning your miniature weeping Pussy Willow (possibly Salix caprea ‘Kilmarnok’).

In general, these plants prefer to be located in an area that receives full sun ,to partial shade, in moist well-drained soil. Willows love water however, their roots are susceptible to root rot if the pot does not have proper drainage.

From your photo it appears that moving your tree has broken dormancy and is now putting forth new growth. Pruning these miniature willows will help it keep it’s shape and encourages the growth of new leaves and branches. Pruning is usually done after spring once its leaves have emerged and are expanded. Start by removing the dead flowers. Next prune any out of shape branches and any branches that are crossing over and rubbing.

Once you have finished pruning it is advisable to provide your plant with some water and fertilizer. The use of a balanced fertilizer such as 20-20-20 in the spring will encourage new, healthy growth. As always, be sure to read the directions on the side of the fertilizer container for proper dilution.

Miniature weeping pussy willows make excellent bonsai trees. If you are considering turning your tree into a bonsai then special pinching and trimming is required to keep your tree small. Pinch and trim the new growth back to the safest point however, it should be noted that not all of the new growth should be removed. Some green growth should remain in order to provide food and support the health of the tree. This article gives detailed instructions on how to care for a pussy willow bonsai.

Good Luck!