Morning Glories / Trellis?



I am planting morning glory seeds along my fence. It is a privacy fence with 5 inch wide vertical wood slats that are 1/2 inch deep; the slats are staggered with about 1.5 inches of space of depth in between them. Will I need a trellis or will the wood slats be sufficient support?
Thanks in advance!


Unlike ivy and other vines, morning glories do not grow roots for climbing.  Instead, morning glories cling to surfaces by way of thin tendrils that wrap tightly around wires or string, so you will need to provide lattice panels, strings, or a trellis against your wooden privacy fence for your morning glories to climb up.  Some gardeners use panels of wire mesh netting for this purpose – this product is easily found in big box home and garden stores – while others use inexpensive free-standing trellises that can be inserted into the ground against their privacy fences.  A simple and inexpensive solution is to use string: check this link for some instructions:

Best of luck with your morning glories – one of summer’s most cheerful flowers.