No life on Bobo Panicle Hydrangea


I am wondering if my Bobo Panicle Hydrangea is still alive, I do not see any green buds on the stems at all (May 5th 2020) I planted this Bobo last summer. How do I know if it is alive or dead? I am located in Marmora Ontario some sites say zone 5a others 5b. Part shade then full sun and well drained.
Thank you for your help.


Our advice would be to give your hydrangea a little more time to begin its growth as this has been a rather cold spring.  The new growth comes from the base of the plant.  Now is the time to cut back last year’s dead branches – you can cut these down to about 6 inches from the soil.  This will allow air circulation and sun to reach the new growth.

It’s easy to mistake a dormant hydrangea for a dead shrub.

Walk around the hydrangea and inspect it from all sides. If you see blossoms and green leaves, the plant is not dormant — it is in a metabolically active state. If you see fallen leaves and withered flowers, the hydrangea is dead or dormant.

Use your fingernail to scratch the bark off a young outer shoot of your hydrangea, to reveal the wood inside. If that wood is green, the hydrangea is dormant. If the wood is brown, make a scratch lower on the stem. Try several other stems. If you do not find green wood, your hydrangea is dead.

For more in-depth information on how to care for your particular species see: