Screening Plantings close to a Wall


I’m looking for a planting to put in a 4 foot strip (widening at a point to five feet) along a western facing wall of a home. There is four feet between the wall and the side property line to plant a tree or tall shrub in, with the goal of screening and softening the view of the wall from the neighbouring house to the west. That house to the west has a generous side yard, so there there is an additional 12 feet of open space west of the property line to allow in light and air.


Thank you for contacting Toronto Master Gardeners to help guide you on a suitable plant to create some privacy and soften the view of the wall of the neighbour’s house. Trees and shrubs are great choices.

There are so many options! Many provide seasonal interest when they come into flower, or change colour in the fall. Evergreens can also be a suitable choice.

This Toronto Master Gardener gardening guide, Evergreens Suitable for Hedging  lists several options for evergreen hedges.

You may also want to consider a native shrub. Did you know Dogwoods can attract up to 96 different types of butterflies and moths? Our Fact Sheet on Gardening for Birds, Bees and Butterflies has more information. Both deciduous and evergreen can provide habitat for pollinators.

Making the ‘right’ choice can feel intimidating, but take into account the type of soil you have as well as the amount of light. Enjoy a walk or drive around your neighbourhood and see if a particular plant catches your eye. Then you can determine its light and soil requirements to see if it will be happy in the spot you have in mind.

There is also a helpful guide, Grow Me Instead, that is published by the Ontario Invasive Plant Council, that makes some recommendations on types of trees/shrubs you may want to avoid because they are considered invasive.

Have fun making your decision.

No matter what variety of tree or shrub you choose, proper planting is vital.  Even a healthy tree ideally suited to your location will suffer and even die if it is incorrectly planted and not cared for post-planting.  Planting instructions are included in the above hedging guide. For more detailed tree planting information, check out our Planting a Tree for Life Guide.

All the best on your gardening adventures!

June 14, 2024