Transplant shock for a weeping pussy willow in MN


Hi is there anything I can do to help my weeping pussy willow that’s in transplant shock? It’s doesn’t seem to be doing well. We water it every day with a watering can. It’s in soil in the front garden. We add a bag of dirt where it was transplanted and on top. We have clay soil. Added mulch last night. When it was transplanted the temperature was in the 90-95 degrees Fahrenheit. We also have a watering banned so we have been using the watering can every day. I’ve don’t a couple of diluted sugar water to hope it helps. The leaves are dry green and crunchy and rolled. Some of the branches are turning black on the ends and drying. We just added mulch around the base not touching the bark. Should we give fertilizer or something else? It’s in the high 80’s here. Really hope it survives…


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