Chlorosis in Blueberry Plant

Hello! I recently got 2 Blueberry plants, one Pink Icing (ZF06-079) and one Peach Sorbet (ZF06-043), and I noticed that the leaves are not as healthy as I’d expect for this time. I’m concerned they are suffering from some level…

Dahlia flower plant

May 19 ,2023 I recently bought a Dahlia flower plant , I placed it on my balcony as I do not have a flower garden I live in a condo The flowers of my plant have wiltered , so I…

Spruce Lost Bottom 3/4 of Needles

This spruce was a memorial gift, so I’m trying to save it. When we received it (2yrs ago) it almost immediately started dropping needles. The potting mixture was moist so I refrained from watering until the top inch or so…

Hardy roses suggestion for balcony

Hi there, I’m reading a lot of gardening blogs and forums, watching gardening YouTubers, etc., but I can’t, till this date, figure out which rose is best for my specific situation. I live in GTA zone 6 and I’m looking…

Suggestions for Plants in Planters

Hello there, May I kindly request some ideas for planters that are both in fully shaded areas and areas that are in full sun? Ideally all plants would be easily purchased at a local gardening retailer. We would like to…

Caring for Pear Tree during winter

Good afternoon, We just bought Pear Trees (Bartlett and Anjou). They will grow strictly in planters. I would like to learn more about the winter care of these fruit trees when they are stored in an unheated garage during the…

Perennial tree in a container

Hello master gardeners, I have a large condo patio that I fill with annuals every spring among a few perennials. I have a few staple perennials planted like lilacs, hostas, and boxwoods. I’m looking to create a Japanese garden look…

Converting Fish Pond Into Garden

We have an above ground unused fish pond 3’ deep. If I make it into a garden I need to drill holes to let the water drain out. At what height do I drill the holes so that I can…

Living wall

Hi gardeners, I have been asked to find out how to build a living wall for inside a sanctuary. Any help would be appreciated.…

Evergreen climbing plant for balcony

I am looking for an evergreen climbing plant that will survive Toronto winters on a north facing balcony. However, I completely understand this might not be possible with the given conditions. If that is the case, can you recommend some…