Mulberry Sucker

When I first planted my mulberry I didn’t know you were supposed to cut off new shoots. I now have a sucker that has taken over my weeping mulberry and is a huge tree. It produces large amounts of fruit…

Harlequin Maple

My 20-ish year old Harlequin Maple has about 20% of its leaves 100% white/yellow. They look healthy, the tree looks healthy but It has never had all white/yellow leaves before. Does it need anything??? is this normal????…

Hole in my Maple*

I have a mature Norway maple on the boulevard of my property (city-owned). At the top of the trunk, just below where the tree branches out, there is a hole. For the past few years I’ve noticed ants around the…

Girdling *

Dear Toronto Master Gardeners, I have several, very young weed trees springing up in a spot where they aren’t welcome. I understand I should girdle them to slowly kill them off; this is an interesting technique that is new to…

Black Walnuts Popping Up All Over The Place *

Dear Master Gardeners, I’m a volunteer gardener at my Toronto apartment building. The problem that I’m going to tell you about is situated in a large concrete planter which hugs the side of my building; the planter is quite large;…

Tree by a pool *

The city is planting a tree on the street near our pool. We have clay soil. The city has provided the following list of trees. Which one is the least messy? Skyline honeylocust Hackberry Homestead elm Greenspire linden Crimson king…

Weed Identification – East York*

Trying to get some help in identifying this weed. It comes up every year. It grows everywhere. When it grows in the lawn it looks like a tree sapling. Anyhow, when you touch its leaves, an unpleasant musty smell remains…

Mature Manitoba Maple*

I have an Manitoba maple that is diseased at the base and is 80+ years old I believe. How can I assist the tree, extend its life and /or treat the disease? It is in my backyard, so I understand…

invasive tree*

A “Tree of Heaven” was removed from our property line late last fall, the stump and roots were not removed. It is an invasive species with an unpleasant odour and smaller branches that drop in the fall. From what I…