Transplanting Beets

I have a patch of beets that I planted from seed, and I need to relocate some of them, because thay are too crowded. Can I transplant them now, or should I wait until the heat wave is over?  …

Quick Privacy Hedge

Hi there, I live in Toronto and wanted to plant a quick privacy hedge in container(s) (I live in a condo so it’s an urban garden). I have tried emerald cedars and they worked great for the first 2 years;…

Oil contamination on live plants

My hubby was using the portable air compressor yesterday and while it was actively running the oil dip stik blew out. I was not too concerned at the time however this morning I was inspecting one flower container full of…

Tomato Plants

hello, I have indoor tomato plants that have grown long and skinny ( my first time growing from the seeds). I now have re planted them into bigger indoor pots until I can plant in soil outside. How do I…

Stevia Plant

Where can I buy a stevia plant in the GTA?…

Hyacinth Vines + Seed Collection*

I planted some hyacinth vines in my garden this year and they are now producing seed pods. Do I pick those pods now and dry them indoors or wait until they wither on the vine ?…

Jimson weed

Can you identify this plant? It grows on a single, thick, green stalk, stands six feet tall and has begun to flower into what looks like a trumpet flower. Its leaves are large (12 inches plus) and maple shaped.

Annuals for Hot Dry Locations

An annual, less than 2 feet, for hot, dry, windy conditions. Prefer a native north american plant, Canada, USA, or Mexico, but, South America would be OK, too.  …

Poppies *

I have poppy seeds that were given to me and always bloomed purple on inside and a beautiful pink. there was always one stem with a flower on the end. Last year it was growing nicely and then it turned…

Plant Options in Front of a Window

I have a front window that the front of it is bare. I have planted two small boxwood and hydrangeas. What else would you suggest that I put in to get the most impact?…