Arborvitae looking sparse and barren

I have a row of gorgeous trees along my property fence line which are a variety of the Arborvitae tree. These trees are over 20 years old and have not only offered a privacy screen along my property boundary, but…

Bending Arborvitae

The trunk is bent half way. Still looks green. Is it ok to cut the trunk where it starts to bend? It’s about 13 years old and about 15feet tall. Please advise any other tips.…

3 Trees for Privacy Screen (15′ total)

Hey, I’m in 5a zone and need 3 narrow trees for a full sun location near a fence for privacy. The trees will hopefully fill out the 15′ of space and create a screen. It is a residential area and…

Tall fast growing thick privacy trees

Hi I live 18 in from my neighbour. I need to block his house with tall thick fast growing trees. I’m thinking of alternating Taylor Juniper or the fastest growing arborvitae on earth with a hybrid poplar. However the first…