How to Grow Basil: A Toronto Master Gardeners Guide

Basil (Ocimum basilicum). Basil is a tender annual herb valued in many cuisines. There are several different cultivars of basil, the ones with purple leaves being especially ornamental. Cultivation:  Classic Genovese basil may grow 60 centimetres tall or more, while…

bring basil plant inside

I brought in my basil plant from the balcony a few weeks ago. Its thriving and doing fine but since I brought it inside. It’s been deteriorating. the leaves are dropping, some are turning brown. I placed it on the…

Basil failing

I have successfully grown basil in this raised cedar planter (Peterborough) for the last five years, but this year my plants are in distress. When planted, the leaves were bushy and green, but the leaves have yellowed and have brown…

Compost Tea

I have a question about compost tea. I used compost tea to water my basil last summer. The leaves turned yellow and fell off. What did I do wrong? Was the tea too strong? Is there a recipe I should…

Overwintering plants

Hi, I would like to know what to do about these plants over winter. Blackberry – just planted it this summer, will it survive winter? or do I need to dig it out? Lavender – understand that it can survive…

Brown Spots and Holes on Tomato Plant Leaves

Hello. I have several tomato plants and recently noticed brown spots and holes on the leaves. The basil plants seem to have the same problem. Please advise as to how I can stop this from happening. I have attached a…

Replanting herbs *

Last year, I had some good success with sage, basil, chives, thyme, and rosemary. Excuse my ignorance, but do I need to dig those up and replant new ones, or just tend to the plants from last year. If just…