When to plant Pyramidal Green Beech?

Is it better to plant Pyramidal Green Beech in late May / early June or early September? Also would the quality of tree purchased at a tree farm / nursery be different if purchased in Spring vs. Fall? Background: I…


Hi! I found these seed pods all over my driveway and was wondering what they were/where they came from? I believe they came from the tree pictured, but we’ve never seen them before. We’ve lived in our house for 30…

Two Trees on Front Lawn?

The City of Toronto plans to plant Red Oak this fall, and I like this big fast growing tree. But I also recently discovered Tri-Color Beech, a slow growing, species tree.  I am wondering if it is good idea to…

Tri Coloured Beech Tree *

When is the best time to trim my beech tree? it is located on the south side of my house. it is healthy just needs to be trimmed back. it is approximately 10-12 feet tall. any tips would be helpful…

Planting a Copper Beech Tree*

I planted a Copper Beech purchased at a local nursery two weeks ago. I have planted hundreds of trees, so I have some experience digging holes , adding triple mix to the soil, and planting. This tree seemed fine until…