Vegetable garden soil

Should I add sand to an existing veggie garden bed? Some recommend peat moss, sheep manure and compost. What is the best ratio? What type of ingredients should I add to a new veggie bed? What is the best ratio?…

Hardy cyclamen

Gardening Friends, I have planted a hardy cyclamen this year and it grew nicely. I am worried about it dying this winter what precautions should I take? Covering it with leaves?? Making sure it is always covered with snow through…

Small sloping garden in Toronto

Thank you for availing your knowledgable services to others. My townhouse that I moved into recently has a sloping garden. The growth of annuals and perennials has been poor. Is there anything I can put on top that will retain…


by putting wood shavings on a vegetable garden does it harm it or help it, I was told 2 different things…I was told it takes all the nutrients out of the garden, and I was told if I fertilize it…

Preparing a Space for a Pollinator Garden

I am taking over an empty garden that is covered with 2 to 3 inches of black wood chip mulch. Below that is a layer of black landscaping fabric. I would like to make a pollinator garden with the space,…

Fertilizer from a friend –

Hi! A friend gave me a container of 10-52-10 by BioFert. I don’t know much about fertilizer. I have added worm castings and cow manure. Should I use this other fertilizer? I’ve read it’s too strong and could kill plants??…

Tree identification – Black cherry

I have this tree growing in the back of my garden. I think it is a cherry tree, but not sure. Plan to move it to a sunnier location if it is.…


I used shredded cedar mulch last year. Should I clean out all the old mulch before putting down new mulch? Can I leave the old mulch in place and mix it with new mulch?…

Annuals under maple

Hello, thank you for answering my question. I have a large maple tree in a narrow (6ft’) garden between my driveway and front walkway. It faces west. I’m struggling with the plants under the tree. I appreciate reading the answers…