Korean Lilac Standard Decline

I have a Dwarf Korean Lilac Standard that has looked fantastic for the last 11 years. Unfortunately, not so much this year! There are 3 main branches that all the leaves have turned brown and one branch with no leaves.…

Cedar Tree browning / dying

I planted this Cedar tree last year and it was fine during winter but it started to brown in the spring/summer time. I noticed that the soil was always moist and figured that water is not draining so I started…

Snake plant has brown spots

Hello There, help me save my snake plant. I bought it 2 months ago and brought it to a store to get a bigger vase. (it was bursting) A month latter I’m getting these brown spots that ooze a sticky…

Tube clematis

I was told this was a China Purple Bush Clematis however when researching I thought the flower looked more like a tube clematis; maybe there is little or no difference? My issue is the leaves.It’s about 30″ high, gets about…

Help with Hick’s Yews

Hi – I planted these 3 Hick’s Yews last spring. The middle one started yellowing late winter. I cut off the part that was brown. The other 2 started yellowing early summer. I am in Toronto. The plants get about…

Japanese ivory lilac transplant shock

I have a Japanese ivory lilac plant that I transplanted 3 months back, it is about 4 feet tall. It is present in my front yard with full sun 6 to 8 hrs. I have been watering 2 to 3…

sweet autumn clematis flowering in summer

I planted two sweet autumn clematis. Both have already flowered in July and one has yellowing leaves. Any idea what is happening? Both are south-facing and grew well for a month after planting.…

Bird of paradise leaves folding downward?

Hello, I inherited a ailing bird of paradise recently and am trying to nurse it back to health. All of its leaves including some new growth are dropping / folding downward. The plant gets a lot of light and I…