Will my Tuberous Begonias come back?

I bought two beautiful Tuberous Begonias from a local nursery last Friday a critter who shall remain nameless (resident Chipmunk) mowed one down completely the second is hanging by a thread and looks awful. My question when it starts to…

Growing Begonias Indoors: A Toronto Master Gardeners Guide

Originating in the tropics, begonias (family Begoniaceae) are among the largest and most diversified genus of indoor plants, with over one thousand species and thousands of hybrids varying from miniature terrarium-sized plants to giants over six feet in height. Begonias…

Begonia leaf propagation

Hello, I just bought a new Begonia rex “Autumn Ember”. It’s pretty beat up now and the leaves aren’t as orange as I’d like. If I propagate the Begonia by leaf cuttings it doesn’t matter what leaf I select, right?…