arborist wood chips

I have heard conflicting advice about using fresh wood chips in the garden. Some say do not use as they tie up nitrogen, and others say that the nitrogen gets released back. Can I use wood chips?…

Lawn into Garden with Wood Chips

Good Morning, I have the opportunity to garden on my neighbors lawn this year. The area is 30×25, so I am planning on having 5×30 inch beds separated by walkways. The only problem is that I just got permission now,…

Cardboard as weed barrier and termites

Hello Toronto Master Gardeners’ Volunteers. I was wondering if using cardboard as weed barrier underneath the actual woven weed barrier near the house is a bad idea. I’m assuming it will attract termites. So far, all the research online is…

Spring Mulching*

I live in southern Etobicoke and would like to know the best time to mulch so that weeds will not have a chance to grow this year. Ours is a south-facing garden surrounded on two sides by a hedge. The…