Patio hibiscus*

I have a 2 foot tall hibiscus on my balcony and the underside of the leaves and the buds have pale yellow and black spots on them. It doesn’t look like they are bugs or aphids as there is no…

Ants and Japanese Maple*

I live in northern Italy. After an incredibly hot summer last year and an invasion of ants around nesting around the base and running all over my red Japanese Maple, this year my poor tree is extremely slow in sprouting…

Bronze Birch Borer: A Toronto Master Gardeners Guide

The bronze birch borer (Agrilus anxius) is a beetle native to North America. The borers’ larval feeding tunnels under the bark girdle the trunk or branch of the tree and interrupt the flow of nutrients and sap which eventually leads…

Growing from Seed: A Toronto Master Gardener Guide

Although it is somewhat time consuming, growing plants from seed can be a very rewarding experience. This gardening guide provides introductory information about starting plants from seed. Why Grow From Seed There are many reasons why gardeners grow plants from…

Perennials for Sandy Soils: A Toronto Master Gardeners Guide

Perennials are plants that renew themselves each year from their hardy roots. Some plants live for only 2-3 years while others last a long time. Although there are woody perennials, such as trees and shrubs, the plants most people refer…

Drought Tolerant Annuals: A Toronto Master Gardeners Guide

As annual plants complete their lifecycle in a single season the concept of drought tolerance is a bit moot. Unlike perennials that can become drought tolerant after they are well established, our Southern Ontario short growing season means that annuals…

Growing Japanese Maples: A Toronto Master Gardeners Guide

  Did you know? There are many cultivars of Japanese maple, most of which grow only in Japan and surrounding areas. This gardening guide deals with those that are hardy in North America. Acer palmatum and A. japonicum include 250…

Long Blooming Perennials: A Toronto Master Gardeners Guide

  Perennials are plants that renew themselves each year from their hardy roots. Although there are woody perennials, such as trees and shrubs, the plants most people refer to as perennials are herbaceous plants that die back to the ground…