Emerald Cedar Branches

Hello, I purchased and planted 3 Emerald Cedar in the middle of April 2020 (Toronto). I used a mix of soil that was removed from the site, and nutrient dense soil. The root ball was just barely covered, leaving an…

Road noise

I am looking for a fast growing evergreen/hedging that need little maintenance after first year. I have approximately 500 ft to plant. In addition what is the type of fertilizer is best for established cedars, 15 to 25 feet at…

Cedar differences

We are planning to install cedars in our backyard for both privacy and landscaping. What are the characteristic/species difference between an Emerald Cedar vs a White Eastern Cedar?  I’ve gone online and have asked a few nurseries but just haven’t…

Cedar trees florets as mulch

My small backyard has 15 30 foot cedars along the side and across the back which have generated an awful lot of florets over the winter and cover all my flower beds. Should I rake them off the beds where…

Eastern White Cedar shaping

Hi I have recently got some eastern white cedars played for a privacy fence. Planted, they are 8-9’ already.. I would probably want them to go to about 11-12’ in height and about 3’ wide.. when should I start pruning…

danica eastern globe cedar

Hello, We bought some danica eastern globe cedars 3CG to plant in the containers on our deck. Could you please advise the right maintenance schedule for this type of cedars when planted in the planters? Soil,watering, fertilization and maybe some…

Planting emerald cedar

We are in north Burlington and our soil is clay based. We want to plant 30 emerald cedars along our creek (a metre away from the creek). What’s the best way to plant?…

Swamp hedging cedar

I planted 5 swamp hedging cedars last year to form a hedge at my property line. However, recently when I start to spend more time in the yard I feel two of them were probably planted too closely – They…

Emerald cedar hedge roots

I have a row of emerald cedars in my background along the fence with my next door neighbor. I planted them a few years ago. They range from about 5-8 feet high. I planted them a bit far from the…