November: Protecting Your Roses

Rose bushes need to be protected from the freeze/thaw cycles that our winters bring us.  Pile a layer of peat moss, compost or shredded leaves around the bottom 20 cm of your rose bushes after the ground has frozen.…

Raising soil level and how tree roots react

Hi. The Japanese Upright Yews and Pyramidal Cedars I planted years ago are now an 18’ tall ‘forest’ that reaches more than 15’ out from the fence. This created a ‘forest floor’ where no plants grow even with mottled light…

Bonsai seed propagation

Hello I’m interested in growing Japanese bonsai and I want to grow them from seed into seedling how do I do this and what kind of compost is good for this…

October: Preparing Your Vegetable Garden For Winter

Add organic matter to your vegetable garden to restore the nutrients that this summer’s crops have absorbed.  Remove all crop residue and weeds.  Once the soil surface is clear, layer on the organic matter – chopped leaves, compost, manure –…

Rose Midge Treatment

I planted a David Austin Gertrude Jekyll rose this spring. After closely inspecting the first and second flushes, it is clear I have rose midge stunting the new growth and bud formation. The rose gets about 6 hours of sun…

August: Container Gardens and Extreme Heat

Your containers will have required extra watering during the recent extreme heat.  Give them an extra feeding and top dress the growing medium with some compost to compensate for the minerals that will have leached out.  On really hot days,…

August: Repair the Lawn

Late in August, you can thicken up a lawn that has become thin or damaged. Add a layer of compost or topsoil; then overseed at double the seeding rate for establishing a new lawn. Keep the overseeded area moist until…