Propagating Boston Ivy From Cuttings

I have a cutting of Boston Ivy, from a friend.  I took off the bottom leaves, put the stem in water, and it’s under fluorescent lights 24/7, along with all my vegetable seedlings. Is this the correct way to propagate…

Ivy from Nova Scotia *

I have tried growing Ivy that I got from my Niece in Nova Scotia. It just grows wild in her shaded back yard. I have tried three times now but as soon as I put it in PEI soil is…

Boston Ivy *

Presently I have Boston Ivy on my garage and I love it. I am erecting a fence along my lot line which will connect or join with my existing fence. I want to cover the new wood fence also with…

Ivy *

For many years ivy has flourished on my large house. Now, the ivy continues to grow well on the west facing side of my house. However from the right center of the house, and all along the east side of…

Growing new ivy over dead branches*

I have a high and very long south stone garden wall that was covered with ivy. It used to be massive – incredibly thick, flourishing for decades. Three winters ago, a very hard winter, it started to fail and the…

Identifying poison ivy on property*

Dear Master Gardener, I have found some plants on our property with “leaves of 3”, the centre leave is symmetrical, and the two outer leaves have the asymmetrical “mitten” shape. They are not wild raspberry (we know because we have…

Diseased tree and plant beneath it

Hello, We have a huge maple ( Norway?) which shades a rock garden on a hill in the backyard. We live in Scarborough southwest 1.4 kms from the lake. This year most of the leaves have a raised bump as…

Red oak has black “stain”

We live in the beaches and have a massive red oak tree. It’s about 127 inches circumference. It’s surrounded by Baltic ivy and a bit has grown up the base. When clipping that off we found two “ gashes” near…

Tricky spot, looking for groundcover

I’ve read your main article on evergreen groundcover, which has been helpful. However, I’m having a hard time narrowing my choices to a plant that meets all my needs. I have a spot in my front garden that’s 80% shaded,…

PLANT ID – Tree in my backyard

good morning. I recently had a rash that was similar to poison ivy and the only thing I could think of that I came into contact with was a tree in my backyard. Picture attached. I have no idea what…