March: Winter Wounds on Young Trees

The arrival of spring may show a vertical ‘split-like’ wound in the bark on the west or southwest side of a young or newly planted tree.  This wound, sometime called sun scald, is the result of the sun heating up…

March: Selecting Lettuce Seed

Students at the Colorado State University studied varieties of lettuce seeds to determine which were most resistant to bolting.  Batavian lettuce varieties, a cross between leaf lettuce and head lettuce,  came out on top.  The most resistant Batavian cultivars were…

March: Calculating the Sowing Date

Seed packages indicate the number of weeks needed to have a seedling ready for planting out.  Add on a week for ‘hardening off’ your seedlings.  To calculate the date for starting your seeds indoors, start with the date when you…

March: Warning About Growing Potatoes at Home

Now is the time home gardeners are planning their vegetable gardens and ordering seeds, and some may be considering growing potatoes this year. The Ontario Ministry of Food and Agriculture (OMAFRA) has some cautions about growing potatoes in urban home…

February: Clean Your Houseplants

Dust and oils can build up on the leaves of your plants, blocking light, making it difficult for them to “breathe” and increasing the risk of disease. For large, smooth-leaved plants, a wipe-down with a moist cloth works wonders. Plants…

February: Growing Medium for Indoor Plants

Indoor plants should be grown in a growing medium that is formulated for potted plants.  Put the growing medium in a bucket and mix it with water.  The medium should be moist to the point that it will stay together…

February: Watering Your Houseplants

Check the soil before you water your indoor plants.  Stick your finger into the soil to a depth of about 2 cm.  If it feels dry, water it.  It is better to give your indoor plant a thorough soaking once…

February: Early Start Seeds

Some annuals such as snapdragon, petunia, portulaca,  ageratum, and bacopa all need to be started from seed indoors 8 to 10 weeks before the last frost date.  Add on an extra week to allow time to harden off the plants…

February: Plastic Versus Terra Cotta Pots

Growing medium in terra cotta pots will dry out more quickly than in plastic pots.  If you want to use terra cotta pots, soak the pots in water for several hours before using.  If you are re-using a pot, be…