Planting under Ailanthus

Hello Master Gardeners – I know your website has lots of information about the despised Tree of Heaven but I haven’t seen my particular issue addressed. There’s a huge Ailanthus (at least 50 ft tall) in a corner of my…

Mature Tree of Heaven

Moved into a new home recently and have unfortunately come to the realization one of the trees on my property is a tree of heaven. It’s also quite large, higher than my two story house. It also sits between me…

Roots/suckers coming inside house

Hello! We have a rather curious and tricky case: a tree of heaven sucker was persistently coming through the wall inside our kitchen extension. We just cut the wall open and were able to trace it down to our crawl…

Controlling Motherwort and Tree of Heaven

Hi, my new neighbour is a herbalist and her motherwort has jumped over to my yard. How can I control it without using herbicides that might make it into her yard? On the same note, I have (and dislike) a…

Tree of Heaven

Hi there: We have this tree in the backyard and we are not sure if we should let it thrive. When it started growing (on its own) we thought it was a sumac and we were fine with that. But…

Tree of Heaven

Dear Master Gardeners, I manage some “garden zones” on my apartment buildings property; the particular garden zone of concern is a giant concrete planter that a “weed tree” has unfortunately infiltrated. It seems to have grown an underground network. I…

invasive tree*

A “Tree of Heaven” was removed from our property line late last fall, the stump and roots were not removed. It is an invasive species with an unpleasant odour and smaller branches that drop in the fall. From what I…