
Do robins and chipmunks like them? They are decimating my haskap patch. I used to net, but was always having to release robins trapped underneath in spite of my best efforts to pin the edges of the netting to the…

My vegetable plants are being eaten

The vegetable plants in the ground and in the post are completely eaten. I have sprayed them with the soap insectiside Bug be Gon to no effect. The leaves are completely eaten and even the stalks. I examined the leaves…

Animal pests in garden

I live in Etobicoke near Centennial Park, abutting a small ravine. I have just discovered a very large groundhog residing under my white cedar garden shed. It has eaten the blossoms off my Bachelor Buttons, down to the stems about…

Holes in Trunk of Crabapple Tree

I have a crab apple tree that gave a bumper crop of apples this year so I was very concerned to see rows of holes in the trunk – what are causing these and should I be concerned? Thank you!…

Raccoon Resistant Veggies and Herbs

Hello Master Gardeners, We are thrilled to be living in a home — for the first time — that has space for a small garden. We are hoping to grow some vegetables and herbs in stainless steel container garden. Do…

Critter Digging Up Irises*

What’s the best deterrent if Irises are being dug up in a garden? First I saw a big print, as though someone had stepped down on the Irises. I guessed it was a child chasing a ball, but it was…