Japanese Lilac Tree Dieback

I have two Japanese lilac trees, approximately 20 years old. They are planted at the front of the house, facing north. One tree has major die back. Leaves suddenly wilt on individual branches then drop off. I’m not sure if…

Soil volcano around tree

Hi, I just came to know that putting soil around your tree is not good. Now, what should I do to fix it. I can see small roots in the soil. Should I contact the city if yes, then what…

White oak tree

The very old and large white oak became sick last year- then this year the leaves came out and quickly began to fall so now more than half of the leaves have died. Is it anthracnose? What can be done…

Catalpa Tree

Next door are several large Catalpa trees and every year they have these large pods that drop and sometimes hit people walking by. This year there are no pods. Why are there no pods?…


Hello, I’m looking for tactics I can use against curculios attacking my Walnut trees (black walnut, English walnut, and heartnut). The weevil lays eggs into developing nutlets and new growth. I pick up aborted nutlets and prune off infected foliage…