Heritage trees

Heritage house (1843) located on Yonge St. With Yonge St on the easr side, a pub and parking lot on the south side, it can be extremely noisy and litter can build up quickly. To the north of the parking…

Fertilizing a beech hedge

I would like to know if I can fertilize my beech hedge early November 2020 and how many times a year? Downtown Toronto Sunny location 7 feet tall beeches Were planted in August 2019 by nursery Did not fertilize as…

Pruning Beech Hedges*

We planted a row of 7 beech hedges, 7 years ago. They seem to be doing well, however are reaching for sunlight because they are partially overshadowed by a larger maple. Of course we would like them to grow together…

Tree/Shrub Suggestions for Zone 4b *

In a sunny, fairly dry location (rain dependent), what kind of tree would “anchor” the corner of my lot, near my sidewalk? I don’t want anything flowering (bees/insects), given the foot traffic past this location. Also the height of the…