Failing Young’s Weeping Birch

  Hello, I’m hoping someone can reassure me. My Young’s Weeping Birch, currently the prize centrepiece of my garden, started making its displeasure known early last week about (I assume) being overwatered. I had watered it a bit in the…

Front yard garden design *

I’m looking for advice on plant and shrub selection for my front garden. Our house is 3 yrs old and we started landscaping in heavy clay soil. The front bed is north facing. The first year we amended the soil…

Bronze Birch Borer: A Toronto Master Gardeners Guide

The bronze birch borer (Agrilus anxius) is a beetle native to North America. The borers’ larval feeding tunnels under the bark girdle the trunk or branch of the tree and interrupt the flow of nutrients and sap which eventually leads…

Birch Leafminer: A Toronto Master Gardeners Guide

Birch leafminer (Fenusa pusilla) is the most common of several larval insects that mine birch leaves. This small sawfly is native to Europe but has become a major pest of birches in North America. The adult sawfly is a small,…