Browning Emerald Cedars

3.5 weeks ago I planted 18 6-foot emerald cedars in my backyard in hopes of creating a privacy hedge over the years. In the last 1-2 weeks I’ve noticed browning and dry leaves across all trees in various areas. I…

Small white paper-like webbings on cedars

Dear Master Gardeners, I have a wild cedar that seems to be infested with something that is making small (about 5mm) paper-like webby things on the leaves, and slightly bigger webs in cracks in the bark. One branch that has…

Cedar Browning

Hello There Last year I had a Tree Pruning Company trim my cedar hedge this year the hedge is turning brown I do not know if it was poisoned by leaking gas (trimmer) or salt damage or by insect, the…

Yellow spots in cedar and juniper

I live on Lake Superior near the Minnesota border. I live on an ancient Stoney beach with sparse topsoil amended in places. This is a first that my cedar and junipers have developed pale yellow spots, completely covering a large…

Emerald cedars damaged by car exhaust*

We have a row of emerald cedars that separates our yard from the neighbour’s parking spot. Their vehicle backs up to the cedars and their car exhaust hits the cedars for extended periods each winter day as they warm their…