Rose chlorosis

Hello, I’ve read a lot online and here, and saw the post recommending to use chelated Iron supplement. My question is why is the chlorosis only in my climbing Rose Angela and not in any of the surrounding plants. Also…

Serviceberry, Leaves Yellowing

I have three serviceberries planted together in a row and one of them isn’t doing as well as the other two. They were all planted at the same time a few years ago. Wondering if you would have any ideas…

Sweet Bay magnolia leaves are yellow

Hi. My sweet bay magnolia’s leaves are very yellow… with faint green in the centre (see photo). I’m sure it’s lacking something in the soil. Would you be able to tell me what to ad? It’s growing in full sun…

chlorotic hydrangea

  The hydrangea is in new topsoil, but I don’t know how to identify what additional amendment it needs. Calcium? Mag? or ??? Thanks,…

sweet autumn clematis flowering in summer

I planted two sweet autumn clematis. Both have already flowered in July and one has yellowing leaves. Any idea what is happening? Both are south-facing and grew well for a month after planting.…

Harlequin Maple

My 20-ish year old Harlequin Maple has about 20% of its leaves 100% white/yellow. They look healthy, the tree looks healthy but It has never had all white/yellow leaves before. Does it need anything??? is this normal????…

Clematis spotty yellow leaves

I planted two Clematises ‘Jackmanii Superba’ this spring. They started growing well and more than a meter high now and it seems that they will bloom, but both show some yellow spotty leaves on the bottom of the plant. One…

Leaf chlorosis remedy

Hello, our young pillar oak has been showing signs of leaf chlorosis for two seasons. I applied Aluminum sulfite last year with no visible improvement, and earlier this season I sprinkled two applications of chelated iron. Is there anything else…

clematis has yellow leaves

Hi I bought Clematis last month. 3 Plants they were not in good shape. Yellow leaves and they do not look healthy but I bought them anyway. I planted them since then. They did not die but their leaves is…

Yellowing Leaves on Small Rhododendron

Hi. This little rhodo (PJM?) started this year with really yellow leaves. I’ve had it in the yard for over 10 years. I live in Mimico, base of Etobicoke, Toronto, near the lake so it always a little more temperate…