Low Maintenance Native Balcony Garden

I live in downtown Toronto at York and Queens Quay in a condo that faces east. I have a very long but narrow balcony (see photo). I would like to put in some containers to grow some plants that are…

Rooftop Planter Garden- Growing Trapped on Pause?

I planted seedlings from a reputable source just before May 24 in my 6 x3 foot planters on my terrace. Once in, they began grow, and then the rain came. We had loads of it, and everything seems trapped in…

Tomato growing downwards (after a windy day) ?

Hi Master Gardener, I started trying to grow tomatoes for the first time after attending a wonderful Master Gardener session on growing vegetables at home. I realized that my balcony is not ideal for growing tomatoes because we get approximately…

Black spots on leaves

Hello, I purchased this plant (unknown name) at a nursery in the eastern Ontario. Although there were already black spot on some leaves, I was expecting that new leaves would be growing fine. But every new leaf comes out with…

Yellow leaves on Sweet Pea plants

The leaves are turning yellow and falling off at the bottom. The top of the vine seems healthy. Is there anything that can be done to save the sweet pea plants?…

Arctic Fire Dogwood leaves

Arctic Fire dogwood tree, approximately 3 years old, planted in very large planter, full sun. In the last 2 days, the dogwood has developed grey shrivelling leaves on random branches. What is this and how can I treat it? Thanks…

Potted tree recommendation

Hi, I’m new to home owning and gardening. We have a very small backyard with no soil/grass etc. (concrete). I’ve always wanted a tree, preferably a Lilac/jasmine (or similar good smelling tree) or a fruit tree. Is it feasible and…

Planting a tree in a large container

Hello, I would like to plant a tree in a very large container on my patio. It’s not possible to plant it in the ground there. I am hoping to be able to grow it tall to extend above our…

Looking for summer plants for balcony garden

I live in a condo in the city. It’s on the 19th floor, facing East. I’m looking to get some plants for my balcony. Can you recommend a few that are not high maintenance and would survive the season or…