Japanese Beetles

Is there an insecticide spray sold in Canada that kills Japanese Beetles? Not interested in killing larva in the lawn or Japanese Beetle traps.…

Japanese beetles

To my horror a large section of my garden and nearby lawn has an infestation of Japanese beetles, on leaves, on stems, on root areas and in the soil. The soil is clay like – in the Beach/Scarborough area and…

Japanese Beetles and my Raspberries

They showed up last year but was told too late to do much about them. They were in my raspberry plants. I do not have a large garden…but a third of it is raspberries. Can you recommend how I can…

Japanese Beetles on Sassafraz leaves

Hi, a Sassafraz tree from the ravine next door has seeded itself in our lawn and we’re trying to nurture it to full height. It gets plenty of sun in the location it’s in. However beetles are eating the leaves.…