Elderberry bush

How to prune and still have blooms next season? It is about 4 years old only bloomed this spring. There were no fruit, only blooms. It gets sun. It is crowding out other plants.…

Fruit tree cross pollination problems?

I have a Stella sweet cherry in my backyard (50 x 130 feet). I would love to plant a dwarf serviceberry Pumila but wondered if it would cause a detrimental cross pollination problem with Stella. Thanks for opportunity to ask…

Nannyberry Viburunum cross-pollination

Hello, I live in central Etobicoke and would like to know which viburnum to plant with a Nannyberry, Viburnum lentago, in order for cross-pollination to occur. I have two burkwood viburnum presently in the garden.…


Hello, this is a dumb question but… I wanna try to crossbreed a white vareity cypress vine with a pink star shape pink morning glory called “kikyo pink”, but im scared the results could be a new and poisonous/dangerous species..…

Potato Cross Pollination

Hi, We moved to a new property and in the old orchard we found a huge patch of potato plants. The foliage looks to me exactly like normal potato leaves and they are producing large potato looking tubers right now.…

Italian plum tree not bearing fruit*

I planted an Italian plum tree 5 years ago.  It is now around 12 ft tall and flowers every year but bears no fruit. I think I need another plum tree to pollinate it, but do not know the variety.…