Creeping Dogwood Lawn Removal – Invasive Species

Hello, I would like to know if bunchberry or creeping dogwood a good ground cover for lawn that is mostly on the sunny side. Also, please provide a guideline/instruction as to how do I go about taking out the grass…

Grass in full shade

Have checked out the Gardening Guides, but found no answer. We live in Port Hope on what used to be a dairy pasture. The soil is clay. We have stretches of lawn which are beneath maples, and they get little…

Grubs in grass and garden

Skunks and/or raccoons are digging up lawn or tossing sod to get to grubs which I know I have. I use nematodes to control grubs. Is it too early to apply nematodes given its barely mid August. I know it…


We have an architect designed narrow garden with a 7 ft wide pool. Between the fences and the pool will be a path on each side with spaced 18″ x 18″ black granite pavers. Rather than have gravel for drainage…

Replacing lawn

I have dismal grass in my small back yard that I’d like to replace with ground cover. I have a strip of vegetables and flowers on the sunnier side, and a strip of hostas and solomon seal which grow well…

Grass alternatives

I live on the Oak Ridges Moraine and have at best 2 inches of soil before I get to sand. The previous owner spent significant sums of money to maintain lawns. With the lack of soil, some grass grows but…

Proper Mulch for Black Mondo Grass

I plan to mulch a patch of black mondo grass (Ophiogogon planiscapus ‘Nigrescens’) to protect it from winter burn this winter. I was planning to make a small ‘wall’ with low stakes with burlap attached all around to surround the…

Drought perennials list

Hi I am new to Canada and still unsure as to suitability of certain plants for surviving seasonal changes. Will the drought perennials especially the low/ground cover ones survive Toronto’s harsh winter? Thank you Jen…