Rhododendron–winter care

Last September (2021) I planted a “Nova Zembla” Rhododendron in my Toronto front yard (zone 6/clay type soil) facing south with my house on the north side of the Rhodo. Rhodos were hard to find in Toronto last year (due…

ailing rhodo

8yr old Rhodo, planted by porch near overhang. Dry clay soil. Sun late afternoon. Leaves are turning yellow with brown spots. Same thing happened last yr. Fertilized it 3x and sprayed with no wilt and it rallied. Bloomed and grew…

Nova Zembla (shrub Rhododendron)

Hello, I planted this at the corner of my house. The tag says ‘3-6 hrs of daily sun’, ‘1.2 – 2m tall x 1.2 – 2m wide’ The spot has irregular sunlight – morning a couple hours, then fro early…