Care for climbing hydrangea

My climbing hydrangea is about 20 years old. It is in my garden on the side of your garage. Each year the leaves and and the beginning of blooms return, however in the last few years the blooms have failed…

Hydrangea Leaves & Blooms eaten

I live in Scarborough in the GTA.  This plant has been like this for at least 2 years.  There is no problem in early spring when it is growing leaves but later, the flowers definitely are destroyed. Please help.…

Hydrangea leaves stuck with insect inside.

Just read about hydrangea leaves like pods stuck together with insect inside. Have cut them all off and disposed. This is 2nd year for this problem. Is there a way to prevent this occurring next year?…

Leaftier Larva – Hydrangea

Hello! I have read your three posts on Hydrangea leaftier larva. Thank you for the information. I have been diligent for the last FOUR years, removing the pod like fused leaves from my plants, and cleaning any debris from the…