Japanese Beetles

Is there an insecticide spray sold in Canada that kills Japanese Beetles? Not interested in killing larva in the lawn or Japanese Beetle traps.…

Bloodgood Japanese Maple Issues

Hi I planted a healthy Bloodgood Japanese maple 2 years back and noticed the following issues this year – the top part of the plant has no leaves (see picture attached); leaves are a faded brown rather than the bright…

Japanese beetle and Gypsy Moth

Hi I leave at Etobicoke, Royal York and Eglinton Every year I get a lot of Japanese beetles and Gyspy Moth. I need your help as I have a nearly 1 Acre lot…

Beetles attacking early lilies

Japanese beetles are already starting to feed on the leaves of the earliest lilies that are out. I picked off seven. But they seem to be burrowed in the soil. What can I do?…

Japanese beetles – milky spore disease

I’ve read that milky spore disease will get rid of Japanese beetles, but I cannot seem to find a retailer that carries milky. spore powder. Are you aware of any in the GTA? Have you tried it? Does it work…

Japanese Beetles

We have a large infestation of Japanese beetles on our birch tree which is approx. 50 tall. What is the best treatment for this problem?…