Twombly japanese maple hedge

HI Do you see anything wrong with planting 5 columnar twombley japanese maples in a row to form a privacy hedge Please send answer to my email as well .…

Can this Japanese maple be saved?

We moved to this house in April, and noticed the previously thriving (in summer and fall last year) Japanese maple looks dead except for one branch. The other shrubs around it look fine. Can the tree be saved? If not,…

Japanese Maple – Garden Soil Testing help

Hi I have unsuccessfully tried planting blood good AND emperor 1 Japanese maples thrice in the past 5 years in the attached backyard garden, They thrive for a year and die out, some kind of disease I think. Is there…

Japanese Maple in BC

My Japanese Maple has lost bark on its lower trunk and is showing signs of wilting even after a wet spring. We had a warm spell in March where it started to flower, but now it’s loosing its leaves. Watering…

Japanese Maple

When should I unwrap my young Japanese Maple that I planted in October 2023? It is south facing, no buildings or trees shadow it. It is in Scarborough.…

Transplanting a Japanese Maple in late fall

Hi there! I have a two year old Japanese Maple ‘Omurayama’ in a raised bed tucked up against a corner of my house. There is a three foot high wall enclosing it. We need to get a portion of our…

Japanese Maple issues

Hello, I am in Zone 5 and this Japanese maple has been planted in this location for 4 years. We have a French drain that diverts the roof rain water away from this area. However, this summer the rainfall has…

Japanese Maple in Trouble

My Japanese maple is about 16 ft. high and spreads about 12ft. wide. It gets morning and late afternoon sun. I have never had the soil tested, but I believe it’s clay-based. The tree has grown so beautifully up until…