Norway Maple Issues

I have a 20ft high Norway Maple (probably the ‘Crimson King’ cultivar) that is starting to lose leaves, and now branches, on its lower west side. Trunk is 19″ circumference at 4ft. I first noticed some minor leaf loss about…

Planning for the death of my front yard tree

I have a large, 100 ft+, Norway Maple, in my front yard, which is reaching its life expectancy. My street runs south and I am on the west side of the street. I want to plan ahead and plant another…

Use of sawdust from Maple Tree as mulch

My huge Norwood Maple tree was damaged and had to be taken down in March 2019, resulting in lots of saw dust. I am told that I need to add 1 lb of nitrogen to 50lbs of saw dust if…

Growing Under a Norway Maple

My friends have a Norway Maple in their north facing backyard (North Toronto, clay soil, medium moisture). They love the shade but are having problems growing plant materials underneath because of this tree. I think the main challenge is the…

Mulberry Tree next to a Norway Maple*

Hello, I have a small mulberry tree (maybe 20ft) next to a much older norway maple. I’m a little concerned about them being so close together. Is this a problem? Do I need to choose one? I’d remove the mulberry…