Japanese Beetles

Is there an insecticide spray sold in Canada that kills Japanese Beetles? Not interested in killing larva in the lawn or Japanese Beetle traps.…


We have discovered a wasps’ nest under our eaves and were going to eliminate it but the more I read the more I find that paper wasps are of great benefit to the garden. I am inclined to leave it…

Silver Maple Leaf

We have a confined (by wood deck) silver maple in our backyard. 42″ across. More than 2 stories high. Arborist took a look at it just this past fall and said there was nothing wrong with it. Usually gets trimmed…

Disease or Infestation in Old Maple

We have a wonderful old Maple of some variety on the street facing, western side, of our house not too far from Ceder Vale Ravine. It is about 3 or 4 stories high and has a canopy about 35 feet…


Do robins and chipmunks like them? They are decimating my haskap patch. I used to net, but was always having to release robins trapped underneath in spite of my best efforts to pin the edges of the netting to the…

Tiny bug problem

We are having a backyard wedding this summer in August and this bug is back. It makes a nasty red smear when crushed. Last summer it dominated all the chairs and deck as we couldn’t sit or hang laundry. We…

Foam patches on my roses and yarrow

I have these ‘foam’ bubbles/clumps on my roses and yarrow. Are they harmful or should I remove them. The majority of my plants are native 90% and organic.…

Insects on Fagus ‘Red Obelisk’ Beech

I have a red obelisk beech tree in a large pot, 3 years old, South West facing lake Ontario on the terrace. I just noticed this white fluffy stuff on the underside of some leaves. Some of the leaves have…

Insects on Charles Albanel Roses

Blooming at present BUT many of the buds are infested with insects which include webs.Eaten into the bud. I just put on Safers insecticide – think its too late for that – I did take off some of the buds…