
I have a very robust 5 foot wide rhododendron that is now about 20 years old, started from a small nursery plant. My question is, can I safely take a section of it to replant elsewhere in the garden without…

What is eating my rhododendron ?

This rhododendron is growing in Aurora Ontario and has lots of buds on it but something is eating the buds. What can I do to prevent more damage?…

PJM Rhododendron Leaf Colour

I continue to find your site and information so useful. Thank you for your help! I’ve just taken a photo of my PJM rhodo because I’ve never seen the leaves this red. I’m wondering if it’s a nitrogen or a…

New rhododendron leaves look pale *

Hello, All the new growth looked pale and I thought it was lack of water as it has been dry. When I touched the leaves I realized they were all completely covered in a thin pale film and when I…

Rhododendron ‘Mist Maiden’ *

Hi My 3 year old rhododendron Mist Maiden is looking very yellow and looks stressed. I have added peat and food at the beginning of the season. It did not bloom (most of my Rhodos didn’t bloom this year.) but…