How to Grow Thyme: A Toronto Master Gardeners Guide

Thyme (Thymus vulgaris). Of the dozens of varieties of thyme that are available, the one most often grown for culinary use is so-called “common” or “English” thyme (Thymus vulgaris).  Thyme is a 15 to 25-centimetre-tall shrubby perennial, hardy to Zone…

Creeping Thyme garden bed – grass attack

Dear MASTER Gardener I have planted red creeping thyme (Thymus coccineus) along my front yard by taking out the grass. They are super ground cover. I put them in a year and a half back and they have taken over…

My thyme doesn’t look good

Hello, I planted thyme beside the driveway in 2019. Although I did not do anything for overwintering, it came back and even became larger with pretty flowers last summer. Now it doesn’t look growing but I’m not sure if it’s…

Sedum album ‘Coral Carpet’

Hi I want to consider Sedum album ‘Coral Carpet’ as a ground cover. My questions 1) Can they survive Toronto winter. I know the zone is saying in the label 2-9 but I do not believe these marketing labels 2)…

Overwintering plants

Hi, I would like to know what to do about these plants over winter. Blackberry – just planted it this summer, will it survive winter? or do I need to dig it out? Lavender – understand that it can survive…

Creeping Thyme

Your previous answer was so impressive. It did demonstrate great knowledge. I have another questions about Creeping thyme. I would appreciate if you can answer them for me 1) What is the color of ground hugging and mounding thyme? 2)…

Replanting herbs *

Last year, I had some good success with sage, basil, chives, thyme, and rosemary. Excuse my ignorance, but do I need to dig those up and replant new ones, or just tend to the plants from last year. If just…