Tree Drip Line Watering Best Practice

A tree in our front yard has a drip line whose radius now covers the two lawns, since it was planted 12 years ago, replacing a 100 year old maple tree. With the great rainfall of July 17 in west…

Rhododendron under Black Walnut Tree

Could you help me figure out what has happened to my five-year-old rhododendron? The one in the forefront seems to be on its way out. But the one right behind it is still doing OK. Both plants are about 10…

Tree Pruning Co for Oak

We need a good tree pruner for a 100+ yrs old oak. The tree is on our neighbour’s property, a few feet from the fence. Can you suggest a pruning company. Thank you,…

Deciding Between Two Oaks

I’m trying to decide between two different oak cultivars. Skinny Jeans and Kindred Spirit Hybrid. The garden I want to plant them in is 10 ft by 30 ft and I’m thinking of planting one at each end. I want…

Failing Young’s Weeping Birch

  Hello, I’m hoping someone can reassure me. My Young’s Weeping Birch, currently the prize centrepiece of my garden, started making its displeasure known early last week about (I assume) being overwatered. I had watered it a bit in the…

White Pine

I have an apparent healthy white pine. 18 months ago 2 branches came down in winter storm, since then its had quite a bit of sap as expected comming from its wounds but also from more peripheral branches upto 8ft…

Flowering Tree Advice

We are looking to plant a flowering tree here at our condo complex in Scarborough, Ontario.. The site is partially over our underground garage roof with a depth of no more than 3 feet so roots must be more spreading…

Disease or Infestation in Old Maple

We have a wonderful old Maple of some variety on the street facing, western side, of our house not too far from Ceder Vale Ravine. It is about 3 or 4 stories high and has a canopy about 35 feet…